Tag Archives: 中国


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我们缺乏常识也因为我们常常以偏盖全,信息不对称。意大利专家雷穆齐(Giuseppe Remuzzi)表示早在去年11月份,意大利北部就有人染上高度疑似新冠肺炎的不明肺炎。中国的一些媒体第一时间就报道了意大利是源头的说法,让不少中国人信以为真。中国的记者还纷纷打电话去采访,他对自己早先的采访被断章取义非常不满,并指出这是教科书式的“宣传手段”。但之后他纠正中国媒体的说法,并没有被广泛报道。他还在另一个场合表示,武汉可能早已出现新冠肺炎感染,期间有大量中国人从武汉来到意大利,令意大利出现了疑似案例,由于一切来自中国的信息都不透明,才令疫情失去控制的黄金时机。其实意大利北部温州的人很多,而一月的时候,除了武汉,温州疫情也很严重。在中国就有专家因看到浙江有人感染之后,强烈建议武汉必须封城。














除了刻意隐瞒信息,还有虚假资讯泛滥。全球数百名科学家2月上旬出席日内瓦“世卫论坛”,讨论新型冠肺炎疫情,学者就感叹他们不得不面对两条战线作战,除了应付病毒大流行,还要应付虚假资讯大泛滥 ,而应对虚假资讯泛滥比抗疫本身还艰难。网上流传最广最快的往往就是耸人听闻的假消息和渲染成见的看法,这些不实的信息,有恶意造谣,有断章取义,导致非理性的反应和恐慌,甚至制造混乱和分化。世卫顾问隆基尼(Ira Longini)和香港大学医学院院长梁卓伟曾提及全球三分之二的人口有可能感染新冠病毒,但网上的信息都忽略了“如果传播未加抑制”的假设,特意将最坏的可能性无限放大,引起不必要的恐慌。










在这次疫情中最常听到的一个字就是甩锅,这场“甩锅大战”从武汉封城的那一刻开始就不断上演,从当地的医疗机构,到各级政府官员,到中国疾病控制中心,大家都在问,疫情失控和蔓延的责任在谁?中国在“非典”之后耗资11亿,搭建了全球最大的传染病疫情和突发公共卫生事件网络直报系统,过去15年间持续监测39种法定传染病。这个全球最快速的疫情上报系统,可以在短短两小时内将疫情上达北京,中国最高的疾病防疫专家在2019年曾经表示中国绝不会重演“非典”悲剧。但话音刚落,这个耗费巨资的系统并没有在这次病毒蔓延中发挥功效。或许我们永远都无法知道真相,但有一点很清楚,专业判断在明哲保身、没有承担的官僚系统中被冷冻了,生命的价值也同样在个人权力的棋盘上被抛之脑后。这场疫情最大的讽刺是,全球最大的两个经济体在面对这场世界公共卫生大危机时,竟然上演了一出极为相似的闹剧。几乎每天陪同特朗普在白宫见记者的美国传染病首席专家福西不谄媚权贵,不介意道出与他旁边的总统立场不同的看法,其独立的专业精神不受政治的左右,但他的专业判断也同样被美国总统束之高阁。疫情在中国蔓延恶化之时,美国的科学家就发出警告,但美国疾病防疫中心、美国食品和药物管理局、美国卫生和公共服务部似乎都没有看到采取行动的紧迫性,更何况美国总统特朗普本人了。特朗普向来蔑视科学和专业的意见,联邦政府被一群科学怀疑论者把持。而特朗普就喜欢看极右的福克斯电视台,曾与中国同行舌战的女主播Trish Regan就鼓吹疫情是民主党的阴谋,而特朗普本人就是一个阴谋论者。他同样不信任主流媒体,不停地和主流媒体在白宫记者会上唇枪舌剑,甚至当众侮辱记者。特朗普也不重视来自情报机关的报告,警告疫情的严重性被中国低估和隐瞒,以及疫情将会蔓延全球。此外,特朗普对玩政治的兴趣多过抗疫,为了竞选就是不愿承认疫情迟早会冲击美国,他对疫情轻描淡写的原因也是因为民主党主政的纽约州、加州、华盛顿州受到重创,但共和党的红州并未受到太大的影响。纽约时报在3月28日刊登万字文,以“美国错失的一个月”为题,分析了美国因检测技术落后,法规不配套,白宫领导无方,政府官僚作风,导致美国失去了疫情防控的黄金30天。美国的科技和医疗发达,美国的医疗开支占GDP的比例最高,达到了近18%,但美国至今的表现为何令人大跌眼镜?无法早期进行检测是疫情蔓延的元凶,美国疾病防控中心也不是不作为,但为何会发生这样灾难性的失误呢?这和欧美社会对新冠肺炎的轻视有相当大的关联。中国在修正了前期隐瞒疫情的错误之后,武汉封城的快速行动,为整个国际社会控制疫情争取了难得的宝贵时间。随后东亚各国和地区也纷纷采取行动,大体上都取得一定的成效,制止了新冠病毒的蔓延。遗憾的是,由于对疫情的认知存在极大的偏差,欧美国家都没有及时采取适当的应对措施,欧洲和美国先后演变成疫情的重灾区。此次疫情的另一个中心意大利,也只不过停飞了前往中国的航班。而美国早在1月3日就获得了中国的通报, 但美国和其它欧洲国家一样一直心态超然,觉得自己远隔重洋,“非典”只在东亚流行,便以为此次新冠肺炎也同样会局限在东亚地区。









自媒体vs主流媒体(赞美vs批评):在疫情的报道上,中国的主力军是自媒体,不管是赞歌,还是批评,自媒体带有更多的主观性和情绪性。而在许多其它地方,报道疫情的主力是主流媒体,力求客观。特别是美国媒体,其角色是监督政府,且喜欢监督全世界的政府,多数又是自由主义倾向,所以特朗普也反感美国主流媒体。但只有在美国这个国家,CBS记者胆敢在白宫怒怼总统为何要使用歧视性的“中国病毒”;NBC的记者质问特朗普吹捧效果未经证实的抗疫药物是否给美国人虚假的希望,并指美国数百万人活于恐惧中;纽约时报驻京记者张彦(Ian Johnson )的“观点”文章,指出中国为美国赢得了时间却被美国白白浪费了;纽约时报的社论公开谴责特朗普政府官员的言词加剧了对亚裔的种族仇恨。







Reading Time: < 1 minute

作者:张伦/马国川     来源:钝角网 (有删节)

张伦:法国赛尔奇·蓬多瓦兹大学副教授。上世纪九十年代在巴黎高等社会科学院从师社会学大师阿兰·图海纳(Alain Touraine),获博士学位。











张伦:如果说自由民主制度一定不能很好应对这次公共卫生危机,那么就没有办法解释日本、韩国和中国台湾地区为什么防疫成功?即使同为民主体制,不同国家也有不同的应对之策,效果也不一样。例如,意大利的死亡率为什么那么高?除了医疗资源不足,感染面积过大之外,社会文化生活方式特别是与人口的老化结构也有很大关系。意大利65岁以上的老人占总人口的22%以上,死亡者中很多都是7、80岁以上老人。法国85% 的死亡者为七十岁以上的长者。日本、南韩、中国台湾地区人口老化也相对严重,为什么问题没有这么严重?可能就是与其处置方式、文化因素等相关。除这些国家和地区行政部门进行了有效的管理外,人们的卫生习惯,团队、自律精神相信都起了很大的作用































张伦:就像第一波全球化,第一波全球化从十九世纪六、七十年代开始,直到一战爆发结束,这期间世界发展突飞猛进,被称为“美丽时代”。引发“一战”有很多很多的因素,当时任何一个细节如果不出现,很可能一战就不会是那个样子。但是还是有些结构性的趋势性、必然性的东西,比如国家间内部与国际间发展的不平衡、新兴力量崛起之后对既有世界格局的挑战、新兴国家信奉的原则与现存价值系统的冲突等。一战那个时代英国、法国除了从地缘政治的角度批评德国之外,意识形态上就是视德国为不民主国家。同样,这一波全球化也有些结构性问题,导致这一波全球化走向终结的因素不断累积,未得到及时恰当的调整。当然,我并不认为全球化就此彻底终结。怎么样重新定义全球化?怎么样协调管理全球化?未来将有激烈争论。可以基本确认的是,通过对这一轮全球化的反思,比较浪漫的全球化会遭到批评,民族国家的角色可能会在一段时间里得到强化,象一战后那样,一些民族主义和国家主义的主张在某些国家或群体里会有所泛滥,强调国家至上,敌视外界。与此相反, 一种主张新的世界主义,更积极的国际合作的立场也会得到发展。在如何处理人类共同的挑战及各国内部的问题上,这两种观点之间的博弈将普遍长期存在,成为基调。未来世界如何发展?可能要召唤世界各国领袖的眼光。










Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans

Reading Time: 18 minutes

United States Senate PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Rob Portman, Chairman Tom Carper, Ranking Member



American taxpayers contribute over $150 billion each year to scientific research in the United States. Through entities like the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy’s National Labs, taxpayers fund innovations that contribute to our national security and profoundly change the way we live. America built this successful research enterprise on certain values: reciprocity, integrity, merit-based competition, and transparency. These values foster a free exchange of ideas, encourage the most rigorous research results to flourish, and ensure that researchers receive the benefit of their intellectual capital. The open nature of research in America is manifest; we encourage our researchers and scientists to “stand on the shoulders of giants.” In turn, America attracts the best and brightest. Foreign researchers and scholars travel to the United States just to participate in the advancement of science and technology.

Some countries, however, seek to exploit America’s openness to advance their own national interests. The most aggressive of them has been China. China primarily does this through its more than 200 talent recruitment plans—the most prominent of which is the Thousand Talents Plan. Launched in 2008, the Thousand Talents Plan incentivizes individuals engaged in research and development in the United States to transmit the knowledge and research they gain here to China in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space, and other incentives. China unfairly uses the American research and expertise it obtains for its own economic and military gain. In recent years, federal agencies have discovered talent recruitment plan members who downloaded sensitive electronic research files before leaving to return to China, submitted false information when applying for grant funds, and willfully failed to disclose receiving money from the Chinese government on U.S. grant applications.

This report exposes how American taxpayer funded research has contributed to China’s global rise over the last 20 years. During that time, China openly recruited U.S.-based researchers, scientists, and experts in the public and private sector to provide China with knowledge and intellectual capital in exchange for monetary gain and other benefits. At the same time, the federal government’s
grant-making agencies did little to prevent this from happening, nor did the FBI and other federal agencies develop a coordinated response to mitigate the threat. These failures continue to undermine the integrity of the American research enterprise and endanger our national security.

* * * *

China aims to be the world’s leader in science and technology (“S&T”) by 2050. To achieve its S&T goals, China has implemented a whole-of-government campaign to recruit talent and foreign experts from around the world. China’s campaign is well financed. According to an analysis by the FBI, China has pledged to spend 15 percent of its gross domestic product on improving human resources from 2008 to 2020. That amounts to an investment of more than $2 trillion. For the Chinese government, international scientific collaboration is not about advancing science, it is to advance China’s national security interests.

China’s Talent Recruitment Plans. Foreign trained scientists and experts provide China access to know-how, expertise, and foreign technology—all necessary for China’s economic development and military modernization. While China has created and manages more than 200 talent recruitment plans, this report focuses on the Thousand Talents Plan. China designed the Thousand Talents Plan to recruit 2,000 high-quality overseas talents, including scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and finance experts. The plan provides salaries, research funding, lab space, and other incentives to lure experts into researching for China. According to one report,
by 2017, China dramatically exceeded its recruitment goal, having recruited more than 7,000 “high-end professionals,” including several Nobel laureates.

The Chinese Communist Party (the “Party”) plays a lead role in
administering the Thousand Talents Plan. The Party recognized the need to control overseas talent recruitment efforts to ensure the program served its priorities. The Party created a “complex system of administration and oversight to coordinate its
recruitment efforts.” The Party is able to “exert exceptional” levels of control over the Thousand Talents Plan and other talent recruitment plans. To ensure control, Thousand Talents Plan members sign legally binding contracts.

Contracting with the Chinese Government. Thousand Talent Plan members sign legally binding contracts with Chinese institutions, like universities and research institutions. The contracts can incentivize members to lie on grant applications to U.S. grant-making agencies, set up “shadow labs” in China working
on research identical to their U.S. research, and, in some cases, transfer U.S. scientists’ hard-earned intellectual capital. Some of the contracts also contain nondisclosure provisions and require the Chinese government’s permission to terminate the agreement, giving the Chinese government significant leverage over
talent recruitment plan members. These provisions are in stark contrast to the U.S. research community’s basic norms, values, and principles. Annexed to this report are Chinese talent recruitment plan contracts that illustrate exactly what talent recruitment plan members agree to when they become members.

Case Examples. This report includes selected examples from U.S. grant making agencies involving Chinese talent recruitment plan members. For example, talent recruitment plan members removed 30,000 electronic files before leaving for China, submitted false information when applying for grant funds, filed a patent
based on U.S. government-funded research, and hired other Chinese talent recruitment plan members to work on U.S. national security topics. One Chinese talent recruitment plan member stole proprietary defense information related to
U.S. military jet engines, and others have contractually agreed to give Chinese institutions intellectual property rights that overlapped with research conducted at U.S. institutions. Annexed to this report are case examples provided by several federal agencies.

Talent Plans Go Underground. Following public testimony and U.S. government scrutiny, the Chinese government started deleting online references to the Thousand Talents Plan in October 2018. For example, China deleted news articles featuring Thousand Talents Plan members, Chinese universities stopped promoting the program on their websites, and the official Thousand Talent Plan site deleted the names of scientists participating in the program. The Chinese
government has also instructed talent recruitment organizations that “the phrase ‘Thousand Talents Plan’ should not appear in written circulars/notices.” Despite this censorship, China’s talent recruitment plans continue.

* * * *

The Subcommittee reviewed seven federal agencies’ efforts to mitigate the threat that Chinese talent recruitment plans pose to the U.S. research enterprise, including U.S.-funded research. While China has a strategic plan to acquire knowledge and intellectual property from researchers, scientists, and the U.S. private sector, the U.S. government does not have a comprehensive strategy to combat this threat.

The National Science Foundation (“NSF”) funds approximately 27
percent of all federally funded basic research at U.S. colleges and universities, leading to 12,000 annual awards to more than 40,000 recipients. In light of Chinese talent recruitment plan members’ misappropriation of NSF funding, NSF has taken several steps—albeit insufficient ones—to mitigate this risk. As of July 2019, NSF policy prohibits federal employees from participating in foreign talent recruitment plans, but the policy does not apply to NSF-funded researchers. These NSF-funded researchers are the individuals mostly likely to be members of foreign talent recruitment plans. The NSF also does not vet grantees before awarding them funding. Instead, NSF relies on sponsoring institutions to vet and conduct due diligence on potential grantees. NSF has no dedicated staff to ensure compliance with NSF grant terms.

The National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) invests over $31 billion annually in medical research through 50,000 competitive grants to more than 300,000 researchers. NIH has recently found instances of talent recruitment plan members committing grant fraud and transferring intellectual capital and property. It also found possible malign foreign influence in its peer review process. NIH has attempted to address these issues, but significant gaps in NIH’s grant integrity process remain. Much like the NSF, NIH relies on institutions to solicit and review disclosures of financial conflicts by its employees participating in NIH-funded research. Unlike the NSF, the NIH has a Division of Grants Compliance and Oversight that conducts site visits at institutions to advance compliance and provide oversight. The number of oversight visits to institutions has fallen from 28 in 2012 to only three last year. NIH officials remain concerned that China’s talent recruitment plans are more pervasive than what they have uncovered to date.

The Department of Energy (“Energy”) is the largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences. Energy awards $6.6 billion in grants and contracts annually that support over 25,000 researchers at over 300 institutions and National Labs. Energy’s research funding and prominent role in advanced research and development make it particularly attractive to the Chinese government. Energy has recently identified Thousand Talent Plan members working on sensitive research at National Labs and Thousand Talent Plan members with security clearances. Energy has been slow to address vulnerabilities surrounding the openness of its National Labs and its scientific collaboration with the 35,000 foreign nationals who conduct research at the National Labs each year. For example, in December 2018, Energy began requiring all foreign nationals’ curricula vitae be included in Foreign Visits and Assignments requests to Energy facilities as well as in the Foreign Access Central Tracking System database. Despite 30-year old federal regulations prohibiting U.S. government employees from receiving foreign compensation, Energy clarified only this year that employees and contractors are prohibited from participating in foreign talent recruitment plans.

The State Department (“State”) issues nonimmigrant visas (“NIV”) to foreign nationals seeking to visit the United States to study, work, or conduct research. It is on the front line in the U.S. government efforts to protect against intellectual property theft and illicit technology transfers. While State has a process to review NIV applicants attempting to violate export control laws, State’s authority to deny visas is limited. State’s review process leads to less than five percent of reviewed applicants being denied a visa. Nor does State systematically track visa applicants linked to China’s talent recruitment plans, even though some applicants linked to Chinese talent recruitment plans have engaged in intellectual property theft.

The Department of Commerce’s (“Commerce”) Bureau of Industry and Security conducts assessments of defense-related technologies and “administers export controls of dual-use items which have both military and commercial applications.” Commerce is also responsible for issuing deemed export licenses to firms that employ or host foreign nationals seeking to work on controlled technology projects. The Subcommittee found that Commerce rarely denies a application for a deemed export license. Commerce’s denial rate in 2018 for deemed export licenses was only 1.1 percent. Commerce officials told the Subcommittee that it has not revoked a deemed export license in the past five years, despite the recent listing of new entities on Commerce’s Entity List that require additional scrutiny. Commerce issued deemed export licenses to Chinese nationals who participated in talent recruitment plans, had ties to Huawei, and were affiliated with other concerning entities.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) protects the United States from foreign intelligence operations and espionage. The FBI, however, has recognized that it was “was slow to recognize the threat of the Chinese Talent Plans.” It was not until mid-2018, however, that FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. took control of the FBI’s response to the threat. Moreover, after collecting information on suspected talent plan participants, the FBI waited nearly two years to coordinate and provide those details to federal grant-making agencies. This delay likely prevented the federal government from identifying talent recruitment plan members who engaged in illegal or unethical grant practices or the unauthorized transfer of technology. The FBI has yet to develop an effective, nationwide strategy to warn universities, government laboratories, and the broader public of the risks of foreign talent recruitment plans.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (“OSTP”) has formal authority to convene all research funding agencies on matters of policy through the National Science and Technology Council. OSTP formally established a joint committee in May 2019 to begin a policy review to coordinate efforts to adopt best practices across the federal government to mitigate foreign exploitation of the U.S. open innovation system. This review is intended to develop a longer-term strategy for balancing engagement and risk without stifling innovation. The U.S. government’s vast and varied array of grant-making agencies complicates this policy review.

* * * *

As American policy makers navigate an increasingly complicated relationship with China, it is not in our national security interest to fund China’s economic and military development with taxpayer dollars. China’s talent recruitment plans, including the Thousand Talents Plan, undermine the integrity of our research enterprise and harm our economic and national security interests.

U.S. universities and U.S.-based researchers must take responsibility in addressing this threat. If U.S. universities can vet employees for scientific rigor or allegations of plagiarism, they also can vet for financial conflicts of interests and foreign sources of funding. If U.S. researchers can assess potential collaborators’ research aptitude and their past publications, they should know their collaborators’ affiliations and their research intentions.

The U.S. academic community is in the crosshairs of not only foreign competitors contending for the best and brightest, but also of foreign nation states that seek to transfer valuable intellectual capital and steal intellectual property. As the academic community looks to the federal government for guidance and direction on mitigating threats, the U.S. government must provide effective, useful, timely, and specific threat information and tools to counter the threats.

Based on this investigation, the Subcommittee finds that the federal government has failed to stop China from acquiring knowledge and intellectual property from U.S. taxpayer funded researchers and scientists. Nor do federal agencies have a comprehensive strategy to combat this threat.

The Subcommittee’s Investigations
This investigation continues the Subcommittee’s examination of national security issues involving China. During the 115th Congress, the Subcommittee highlighted China’s leading role in the opioid crisis by investigating how illicit opioids like fentanyl are shipped from China to the United States through international mail. The Subcommittee held an initial oversight hearing on May 25,
2017, titled Stopping the Shipment of Synthetic Opioids: Oversight of U.S. Strategy to Combat Illicit Drugs. On January 25, 2018, the Subcommittee held a second hearing and issued a bipartisan report titled Combatting the Opioid Crisis: Exploiting Vulnerabilities in International Mail. On October 24, 2018, the President signed into law the Synthetic Trafficking & Overdose Prevention Act (“STOP Act”), legislation designed to assist law enforcement in identifying and stopping fentanyl being shipped into the United States.

In the current 116th Congress, on February 28, 2019, the Subcommittee held a hearing and issued a bipartisan report titled China’s Impact on the U.S. Education System. The Subcommittee examined China’s propaganda efforts at U.S. colleges and universities through Confucius Institutes. The Chinese government funds Confucius Institutes and hires Chinese teachers to teach language and culture classes to students and non-student community members. Confucius Institute funding comes with strings that can compromise academic freedom. The Chinese government approves all teachers, events, and speakers. Some U.S. schools contractually agree that both Chinese and U.S. laws will apply. The Chinese teachers sign contracts with the Chinese government pledging they will not damage Chinese national interests. The Subcommittee found that these limitations export China’s censorship of political debate to the United States and prevent the academic community from discussing topics that the Chinese government believes are politically sensitive.

Next, the Subcommittee turned to China’s talent recruitment plans. The Subcommittee focused specifically on China’s most prominent plan, the Thousand Talents Plan. The Subcommittee reviewed documents, received briefings, or interviewed individuals from the following agencies: Office of Director of National Intelligence; Central Intelligence Agency; Department of State; Department of Commerce; Department of Energy; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Department of Health and Human Services; National Science Foundation; and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The Subcommittee also met with members of the academic community, including the American Public and Land Grant Universities, Association of American Universities, the American Council on Education, a Chinese American advocacy group, and the JASON independent scientific advisory group.

Findings of Fact

1) China seeks to become a science and technology (“S&T”) world
leader by 2050. The Chinese government elevated the importance of S&T as a key national strategic goal in 2006. China seeks to become an “innovative country” by 2020 and an S&T world leader by 2050. To accomplish its goals, China systematically targets critical technologies and advanced S&T capabilities as a way to enhance national strength and achieve Chairman Xi Jinping’s goal of “national rejuvenation.”

2) China prioritizes military-civilian fusion as a national goal. In 2016, Chairman Xi designated a policy known as Military-Civilian Fusion (“MCF”) as a national strategy. MCF seeks to pool talent and financial resources to jointly develop technologies, conduct research, and attract talent that mutually reinforces both the military and civilian sectors. MCF blurs the
lines between China’s defense and civilian sectors, enabling China to
continue international scientific collaboration while obfuscating that this collaboration also assists in modernizing China’s military.

3) China aggressively recruits overseas researchers and scientists.
China has a coordinated global campaign to recruit overseas S&T experts as part of its S&T strategy. These experts provide access to know-how, expertise, and foreign technology—all necessary for China’s economic development and military modernization. Chinese recruitment efforts also
have begun to reverse China’s brain drain, as more Chinese students than before are returning to China after studying abroad.

4) The Thousand Talents Plan (“TTP”) is China’s most prominent talent recruitment plan. Launched in 2008 and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, the TTP recruits thousands of high-quality overseas talents. As of 2017, China reportedly has recruited 7,000 researchers and scientists. The TTP targets U.S.-based researchers and scientists, regardless of ethnicity or citizenship, who focus on or have access to cutting-edge research and technology. The TTP is just one of over 200 Chinese talent
recruitment plans over which the Chinese Communist Party is able to “exert exceptional” levels of control. In response to U.S. government scrutiny, China has attempted to delete online references to its talent recruitment plans and reportedly instructed Chinese institutions on how to avoid additional U.S. scrutiny.

5) TTP employment contracts violate U.S. research values. TTP
members sign legally binding contracts with Chinese institutions that contain provisions that violate U.S. research values, including non-disclosure provisions related to their research and employment with Chinese institutions. The contracts require TTP members to undermine fundamental U.S. scientific norms of transparency, reciprocity, merit-based competition, and integrity. Fundamentally, these contracts incentivize TTP members to put China’s interests ahead of U.S. institutions.

6) Chinese talent plans target unrestricted, basic research. China seeks access to non-public fundamental research to accelerate its technological capabilities at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense. The U.S. government may restrict some research for proprietary or national security reasons but as fundamental research is generally designed to be openly shared, federal law enforcement agencies have limited means to thwart China’s extralegal activities.

7) TTP members have willfully failed to disclose their TTP
membership. Some TTP members willfully failed to disclose their affiliation with China’s talent recruitment plans to U.S. institutions and U.S. grantmaking agencies. In some cases, TTP members received both U.S. grants and Chinese grants for similar research, established “shadow labs” in China to conduct parallel research, and stole intellectual capital and property. U.S. government agencies also discovered that some TTP members used their access to research information to provide their Chinese employer with
important information on early stage research.

8) Federal agencies are not prepared to prevent China from
transferring taxpayer funded research and stealing intellectual
property. The U.S. government was slow to address the threat of China’s talent recruitment plans, leading to U.S. government grant dollars and private sector technologies being repurposed to support China’s economic and military goals. Though some federal agencies have begun to take action, the federal government lacks an effective interagency strategy and continues to
have shortfalls in its processes to mitigate the threat that Chinese talent
recruitment plans pose.

9) Federal grant-making agencies lack standards and coordination.
U.S. grant-making agencies, such as the National Science Foundation
(“NSF”) and the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”), each require grant applicants to use different forms and processes to apply for federally funded research grants. This increases administrative burdens on researchers applying for grants from multiple federal agencies. It also complicates effective grant oversight of the more than $150 billion in U.S. funding awarded annually for research and development.

10) U.S. grant-making agencies’ policies on foreign talent recruitment plans differ. For example, the Department of Energy’s new policy effectively bans both employee and contractor participation in foreign talent recruitment plans. The NSF’s new policy, however, only applies to NSF employees, but not researchers. These differences can complicate the research community’s understanding of the scope and scale of the problem.

11) The NSF does not have a compliance office to perform grant
oversight functions. Instead, the NSF relies on the institutions submitting grant applications and the NSF Inspector General to conduct due diligence, vetting, and oversight. The NSF’s policy on participation in foreign talent recruitment plans does not extend to the more than 40,000 researchers and scientists that receive U.S. funding for research and development.

12) The NIH awards over $31 billion annually in medical research in 50,000 competitive grants to more than 300,000 researchers. The NIH has not issued new policies addressing talent recruitment programs. Instead, it relies on existing policies regarding conflict of interest, conflict of commitment, and disclosure of outside support. The NIH is conducting additional oversight of potential links between federal funding and foreign talent recruitment plans. As part of that process, it identified at least 75 individuals potentially linked to foreign talent recruitment plans that also served as peer reviewers.

13) The Department of Energy (“Energy”) is the largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences, funding $6.6 billion in grants and contracts that support over 25,000 researchers at over 300 institutions and National Labs. Energy’s research funding and prominent role in advanced research and development make it particularly attractive to the Chinese government. Despite 30-year old federal regulations prohibiting
U.S. government employees from receiving foreign compensation that conflicts with their official duties, Energy clarified only this year that employees and contractors are prohibited from participating in foreign talent plans.

14) The Commerce Department (“Commerce”) granted deemed export licenses to Chinese nationals associated with talent recruitment plans, Chinese military affiliated universities, and other entities on Commerce’s entity list. The entity list includes individuals and entities “who have engaged in activities that could result in an increased risk of the diversion of exported, re-exported, and transferred items to weapons of mass destruction programs.” The list also includes “activities contrary to U.S. national security and/or foreign policy interests.” Commerce is responsible for issuing deemed export licenses to U.S. firms that employ or host foreign nationals seeking to work on controlled technology projects. Commerce rarely denies deemed export license applications, denying only 1.3 percent in 2018.

15) The FBI recognized that it and other federal agencies were “slow to recognize the threat of the Chinese talent [recruitment] plans” until recently. Despite the Chinese government publicly announcing in 2008 its intent to recruit overseas researchers with access to advanced research and technology, FBI’s headquarters in Washington D.C. did take control of the response to the threat until mid-2018. The FBI took nearly two years to coordinate the dissemination of information identifying potential talent
recruitment plan participants to federal grant-making agencies. The FBI has yet to develop an effective, nationwide strategy to warn universities, government laboratories, and the broader public of the risks of foreign talent recruitment plans.

16) The State Department is on the frontline in the U.S. government
effort to protect against intellectual property theft and illicit
technology transfers. While State has a process to screen for nonimmigrant visa applicants attempting to steal sensitive technologies or intellectual property, State’s authority to deny visas is limited. This results in a denial rate of less than five percent of all visa applicants reviewed. State also does not make available visa applicant files and supporting documentation to U.S. law enforcement in easily accessible formats to assist
national security investigations.

17) The White House’s OSTP launched an effort in May 2019 to
coordinate interagency work related to improving the safety,
integrity, and productivity of research settings. Currently, federal
grant-making agencies’ policies and processes are not standardized or uniform. These differences complicate the grant process for applicants, stifle U.S. law enforcement’s ability to investigate grant-related crimes, and frustrate the federal government’s ability to comprehensively understand grant spending.


1) Federal agencies must develop a comprehensive strategy to combat both illegal and extralegal transfers of U.S. intellectual capital. China uses illegal and extralegal mechanisms to acquire U.S. intellectual property, research, and sensitive technologies. Federal agencies should work with the U.S. research community to balance the need for international collaboration while securing U.S.-government funded research.

2) Federal agencies should declassify and disseminate more
information on foreign talent recruitment plans. Additional
information from the U.S. intelligence community, federal law enforcement, and federal grant-making agencies will help define the scope and scale of the problem so that U.S. research institutions can effectively mitigate risks associated with foreign talent recruitment plans.

3) While taking steps to better protect research and intellectual property, Congress and the Executive Branch should reaffirm the critical importance of foreign students and researchers in the United States and the importance of international research collaboration. Congress should provide stable and sustained funding for scientific research sponsored by federal agencies and support programs aimed at keeping scientists and their work in the United States.

4) Federal law enforcement agencies and members of the intelligence community must better tailor engagement with the U.S. research community to ensure that threat information is accessible and actionable. The FBI should develop a cohesive strategy to ensure outreach by its headquarters and 56 field offices is effective, consistent, and timely.

5) U.S. grant-making agencies should harmonize the grant proposal process and standardize reporting requirements for disclosing all foreign conflicts of interest, conflicts of commitment, and all outside and foreign support. Standardization and harmonization will reduce the administrative burden on research institutions applying for federal research funding and promote data sharing across the U.S. research enterprise. A government-wide standard should require documents be machine readable to encourage automation to assist with identifying grant fraud.

6) The U.S. research community should establish a “Know Your Collaborator” culture. U.S. research institutions should establish best practices in monitoring scientific and research collaboration with foreign nationals and determining whether such collaboration adheres to U.S. scientific research values, especially in the area of research integrity. U.S. research institutions also should investigate and adjudicate allegations of failures to disclose conflicts of interest, commitment, or other outside support.

7) U.S. grant-making agencies should implement a compliance and
auditing program to ensure grantees accurately report conflicts of
interest and conflicts of commitment. Congress should provide adequate resources to support agency compliance programs and inspectors general.

8) U.S. grant-making agencies conducting or funding U.S. government research should share information regarding grant recipients with access to U.S. government funding and research facilities. This information should be made available as appropriate to foster scientific collaboration and used by funding agencies to assess the qualifications of researchers.

9) The Commerce Department should ensure its interagency process for identifying emerging and foundational technologies that are essential to the national security of the United States includes a review of fundamental research. As appropriate and necessary, the Commerce Department should add foundational technologies and areas of fundamental research to its export control lists.

10) The State Department should identify any additional authorities needed to deny non-immigrant visas for individuals suspected of engaging in illegal or extralegal transfers of technology, intellectual property, and fundamental research. State also should include additional security related questions designed to detect foreign government sponsorship of research conducted in the United States and whether the visa applicant intends to legally or illegally transfer research and technology back to their home country on visa applications. State should automate security reviews of visa applicants for illicit transfers of technology, intellectual property, and fundamental research.

11) The administration should consider updating NSDD-189 and implement additional, limited restrictions on U.S. government funded fundamental research. NSDD-189 was issued in 1985 and established the national policy that products of fundamental research are to remain unrestricted to the maximum extent possible. Federal agencies must not only combat illegal transfers of controlled or classified research, but assess whether openly sharing some types of fundamental research is in the nation’s interest.

12) Federal law enforcement and other relevant agencies should identify U.S.-based entities that serve as recruitment networks, platforms, or foreign government proxies that facilitate or broker in statesponsored talent recruitment. Additional investigations and publications are needed to fully understand the impact of foreign talent recruitment efforts in the United States. Federal law enforcement and other relevant agencies should examine the extent of foreign talent recruitment activity in the private sector for foreign talent recruitment-related programs, including venture capital contests and entrepreneurial programs.

13) U.S. grant-making agencies should work with research institutions to ensure they have the necessary cybersecurity practices in place to reduce the risk of research data misappropriation. Universities, research institutions, and other recipients of federal research funding should periodically demonstrate that they are adhering to cybersecurity best practices.

14) Grant-making agencies should not award U.S. funding to participants of foreign talent recruitment programs absent full disclosure of the terms and conditions of membership in any talent recruitment program.

Resource:  Threats to the U.S. Research Enterprise: China’s Talent Recruitment Plans


Reading Time: < 1 minute

作者: 龙烈生

2019年注定是一个多事之秋:中美贸易战打打停停、停停打打,中加关系自去年入冬后尚未复苏、香港骚乱全无停止的迹象、台湾海峡更是波诡云谲 … 这些影响整个华人世界的事件,牵动着每个华人的心弦的同时,也在把华人世界撕裂成越来越小的碎片。撇开所有利益集团的角力、外力的干扰,背后的核心问题就是“信任缺失”四个字。

8/1日在“毫无征兆”的情况下, 川普宣布9/1日起对来自中国的3000亿美元的货物加收10%的关税。届时所有来自中国的货物都将被征收额外的关税。世界一片哗然,股市应声从上涨300多点,到下跌200多点,星期五继续下跌。用中文媒体的说法是“断崖式”下跌。







航拍图下的香港6⋅16游行 (来自网路)




另有一些大陆人觉得港人贪得无厌 —- 已经拥有殖民时代都没有的自由、民主和自治,却还要索求更多;既拥有资本主义的各种政治自由,又享受“有特色的社会主义”的各种经济福利,居然还不“安份”。这种厌恶,含有一些嫉妒;嫉妒,通常会产生更多的厌恶和不信任。





其实邓大人早就说的很清楚:第一,主权不容质疑,“一国两制”,“一国”是基础,是核心;第二,“一国两制”五十不变, 五十年后也没有必要变。大陆如果在政治、经济、法律等方面得到全面发展,获得世人的尊重和认可,不但香港会自然依附,连台湾回归,也是水到渠成的事情。但是,如果谁要强行改变,就要好好思量后果了。

